ICI ホームページ表紙 エリクソン著作集 「キリスト教神学」書評 教会のための神学者 エリクソン講演会 新福音主義神学 今日のキリスト教倫理における相対主義 終末論における今日的選択肢 キリスト教神学における読みもの Does_it_matter Amazing_plan Word_became_flesh God_in_three_person Evangelical_mind Eevangelical_interpretation Where_is_theology_going_? How_shall_they_be_saved_? Evangelical_left Old_wine_in_the_new_wineskins New_dimensions_in_evangelical_theology God_the_father_almighty Postmodernizing_Faith Making_sense_of_the_trinity Truth_or_consequences Postmodern_world What_does_God_know_? What_is_truth_?

Readings in Christian Theology


@   神学の方法と材料
1.       Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology: The Method
2.       Edgar Y.Mullins, Religion and Theology
3.       L.Harold De Wolf, The Task of Theology
A   神学的対話
1.       William Hordern, Theology in Dialogue
2.       Cornelius Van Til, The Reformed Position
3.       Paul Tilich, Introduction to Systematic Theology
4.       Rudolf Bultmann, New Testament and Theology
B   神学的言語
1.       Jerry Gill, The Meaning of Religious Language
@   一般啓示
1.       Thomas Aquinas, The Existence of God
2.       Karl Barth, No!
3.       John Calvin, The Knoeledge of God Conspicuous in the Creation and Continual Government of the World
A   特別啓示
1.       Kenneth S.Kanzer, The Authority of the Bible
2.       William Hordern, The Nature of Revelation
3.       Bernard Ramm, Special Revelation and the Word of God
B   聖書の霊感
1.       Benjamin B.Warfield, The Biblical Idea of Inspiration
2.       James Orr, revelation and Inspiration
C   聖書の権威
1.       Barnard Ramm, The Principal and Pattern of Authority in Christianity
2.       Charles H.Dodd, The Bible as “The Word of God”
D   聖書の信頼性
1.       Benjamin B.Warfield, The Real Problem of Inspiration
2.       Dewey Beegle, Inerrancy and the Phenomena of Scripture
3.       Everett F.Harrison, Criteria of Biblical Inerrancy
@   神の特質
1.       John A.T.Robinson, The Ground of Our Being
2.       Louis Berkhof, The Attribute of God
A   神の内在性と超越性
1.       Borden P.Bowne, The Immanence of God
2.       Martin Heinecken, The Qualitative Difference
B   変化する、あるいは永遠なるものとしての神の性質
1.       Norman Pittenger, The Attribute of God in the Light of Process-Thought
2.       Carl F.H.Henry, A Critique of Process-Theology
C   三一なるお方としての神
1.       Charles W.Lowry, What Is the Doctrine of the Trinity?
2.       Augustine, The Trinity
D   神の計画
1.       Charles Hodge, The Decrees of God
2.       Samuel Wakefield, The Decrees of God
E   神は造られる
1.       Harold Kuhn, Creation
F   神は変化のうちにおられる
1.       C.G.Berkouwer, Providence as Government
@   人間の起源
1.       J.Oliver Buswell,Jr. , The Origin of Man
2.       Augustus H.Strong, Man a Creation and Child of God
A   神の像としての人間
1.       Thomas Aquinas, Made to the Image of God
2.       Emil Brunner, Man and Creation
3.       Leonard Verduin, A Dominion-Haver
B   人間の構成
1.       Charles Hodge, Nature of Man
2.       D.R.G.Owen, “Body”and“Soul” in the New Testament
@   罪の性質
1.       H.Wheeler Robinson, Old Testament Terminology for Sin
A   罪の源
1.       F.R.Tennant, Evolutionary Theory of the Empirical Origin of Sin
2.       Calvin Linton, Man’s Difficulty-Ignorance of Evil?
B   罪の結果:腐敗
1.       Jonathan Edwards, Some Evidences of Original Sin from Facts and Events
2.       Gustave F.Wiggers, The pelagian View of Original Sin
3.       Reinhold Niebuhr, Sin and Man’s Responsibility
C   罪の結果:罪過
1.       James Orr, Sin as Guilt-The Divine Judgement
2.       Charles G.Finney, Accounting for Moral Depravity
D   罪の伝播
1.       Louis Berkhof, The Transmission of Sin
2.       Rusell Shedd, Paul’s Conception of Human Sodarity
@   受肉
1.       J.Theodore Mueller, Have We Outmoded Chacedon?
2.       Leon Morris, Jesus the Man
3.       F.F.Bruce and Williams J.Martin, The Deity of Christ
4.       Harry Emerson Fosdick, Jesus, the Messiah
5.       Donald Ballie, The Paradox of the Incarnation
6.       Wolfhart Pannenberg, The Significance of Jesus’Resurrection
A   罪なきお方としてのキリスト
1.       Louis Berkhof, Scripture Proof for the Sinless Humanity of Christ
2.       Nels F.S.Ferre, Very God, Very Man
3.       Hugh R.Mackintosh, The Sinless of Jesus
B   処女降誕
1.       Carl F.H.Henry, Our Lord’s Virgin Birth
2.       Edward J.Carnell, The Virgin Birth of Christ
3.       L.Harold De Wolf, The Doctrine of the Virgin Birth
4.       Reginard J.Campbell, The Incarnation of the Son of God
@   キリストの三つの職務
1.       H.Orton Wieley, The Offices and Titles of Christ
A   贖い
1.       Horace Bushnell, The Protestant Views of the Atonement
2.       Hugo Grotius, The Catholic View of the Satisfaction of Christ
3.       The Racovian Catechism: The Person and Death of Christ
4.       Anselm, Cur Deus Homo
@   与え主
1.       Geoffrey W.Bromiley, The Holy Spirit
A   計画
1.       Loraine Boettner, Uncoditional Election
2.       Henry Thiessen, Election and Vocation
B   始まり
1.       George W.Peters, The Meaning of Conversion
2.       John Murray, Faith and Repentance
3.       William Hordern, Faith and Reason
4.       Edward Carnell, Faith
5.       John L.Nuelsen, Regeneration
6.       Franz Pieper, The Means of Grace
7.       Martin Luther, Galatians 3:13
8.       Albrecht Ritschl, The General Relations of Justification
C   継続と完成
1.       John Wesley, A Plan Account of Christian Perfection
2.       Herman Bavink, Sanctification
3.       Bernard Ramm, The Glolification of the Soul[i]
4.       Thomas Summers, The Dogma of Inamissible Grace Refuted
5.       G.C.Berkouwer, The Reality of Perseverance
@   教会の正体と役割
1.       Edmund Clowney, Toward a Biblical Dictrine of the Church
2.       Langdon Gilkey, The Church as the Body of Christ
A   教会の性質
1.       Leon Morris, Nature and Government of the Church(Episcopalian View)
2.       Louis Berkhof, The Government of the Church
3.       Edward Hiscox, Church Government 
B   教会協力
1.       Carl Henry, The Peril of Independency
2.       Carl Henry, The Peril of Ecumenicity
C   教会における特別な儀式
1.       Paul Jewett, Baptism(Baptist View)
2.       Y.Feenstra, Baptism(Reformed View)
3.       Joseph Pohle, Eucharist
4.       William Stevens, The Lord’s Supper
@   終末論の一般的な性質
1.       James O.Buswell, What Is Eschatology?
2.       C.H.Dodd, Eschatology and History
3.       Rudolf Bultmann, The Interpretation of Mythological Eschatology
A   中間状態
1.       William G.T.Shedd, Intermediate State
2.       W.D.Daviies, The Old and the New Hope: Resurrection
B   再臨
1.       E.Y.Mullins, Last Things
2.       Harry Emerson Fosdick, Abiding Experiences and Changing Categories
C   天国と地獄
1.       L.Harold DeWolf, The Last Judgement
2.       C.S.Lewis, Hell
3.       C.S.Lewis, Heaven
D   千年王国と艱難
1.       Loraine Boetnner, Christian Hope and a Millennium
2.       W.J.Grier, Christain Hope and the Millennium
3.       George Eldon Ladd, The Revelation of Christ’s Glory
4.       John F.Walvood, Dispensational Premillennialism


[i]  Millard J.Erickson,Readings in Christian TheologyBaker, Volume 1.2.3