ICI ホームページ表紙 エリクソン著作集 「キリスト教神学」書評 教会のための神学者 エリクソン講演会 新福音主義神学 今日のキリスト教倫理における相対主義 終末論における今日的選択肢 キリスト教神学における読みもの Does_it_matter Amazing_plan Word_became_flesh God_in_three_person Evangelical_mind Eevangelical_interpretation Where_is_theology_going_? How_shall_they_be_saved_? Evangelical_left Old_wine_in_the_new_wineskins New_dimensions_in_evangelical_theology God_the_father_almighty Postmodernizing_Faith Making_sense_of_the_trinity Truth_or_consequences Postmodern_world What_does_God_know_? What_is_truth_?

God in Three Person


  1. The Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity

  2. Two problems Concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity

  3. Three A Contemporary Statement of the Doctrine of the Trinity

  1. The Formulation of the Doctrine of the Trinity

    1. Formulation the Doctrine in the First and Second Centuries

    2. Formulating the Doctrine in the Third Century

    3. Formulating the Doctrine in the Forth Century

  2. Problems Concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity

    1. Is the Trinity Biblical and Does It Make Any Practical Difference ?

    2. Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Metaphysically Intelligible and Logically Coherent ?

    3. Is Trinitarian Christianity the Only Way for Salvation for All Person ?

  3. A Contemporary Statement of the Doctrine of the Trinity

    1. The Trinity in the Old Testament

    2. The Trinity in the New Testament

    3. The Trinity in John's Gospel

    4. The Metaphysical Basis of Trinitarian Theology

    5. The Logical Structure of the Doctrine of the Trinity

    6. The Triune God of All People

    7. Internal Relations Between the Members of the Trinity

    8. Prayer, Worship, and the Triune God